
Friday, May 27, 2022

Tales of the Wizard: Book 1. Arcturus - Now Available!



My first book, Tales of the Wizard: Arcturus is now available for purchase in Hard Cover or eBook!

All books will be available for purchase on the Books page going forward.

You can also grab them here:

*Note: Prices listed are before sales tax or shipping.

Thank you all for your support in finishing this project!

I hope you enjoy it!

Thanks again!
- John D.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Edits - Complete!


 Just a quick update, folks!

My editors and I have finished going over the revisions to the final copy and will be sending in to be published this week!

Thank you all for your continued support!

We couldn't have gotten here without your help!

- John D.

Friday, April 1, 2022

Editing... Editing... Editing...!



Preview of the Prologue

The Prologue and first five chapters are done! Only Twenty-five more to go!

There probably won't be many updates while I edit---there's not really much to discuss at the moment!

After the final copy is done, I'll share some more lore information on the corresponding pages and have links to the online store where you can buy your copy! I am also going to go through the original first draft and make some articles discussing the differences between the first and final copies, lore changes, character revisions, and more!

My Patreon supporters will get first access and then I'll be posting it here after!

Thanks for your continued support!
As for me, back to editing!
- John D.

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Chapter Edits - Almost Done!


 Just a quick update tonight, folks!

I have just finished my first round of major edits on the first 30 chapters. 

Only a few left to go before final edits are done and we can get publishing! 

Thanks for keeping up and all your support!

- John D.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Character Art (Picrew)

Evening y'all, 
I am working on getting some more art of the protagonists done for a gallery on here as well as for some other materials. A friend of mine is working on some art for the covers of the series, so I thought I'd make some quickies in a Picrew character creator to have a reference for them.

Jordan Mitchell

Alice Mitchell

Eleanor Faewood

Theresa Ninelives

Cmd. Katrina Humphry

Alexander D. Crowley

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Quick Update


 I've added a few new pages and content to the site. You can now view a brief timeline of events prior to Book 1, a list of the upcoming novels, and some information on the protagonists of the first book. I've also added a page for general lore about the setting, the continent of Titamas, and adjusted some layout stuff behind the scenes.

More content coming soon!


Site Updates (March 2022)

For the past few weeks, I've been working on this website on the backend to get things a little more smoothed out and running more efficiently. A lot of the content on the older version was simply linked to Patreon, which meant unless you were an active Patron, you just got linked to preview windows and little actual content. Going forward, there will be content available on this site and additional bonus content will be made available through my Patreon page.

The first novel is in the final stages of editing and will soon be available for purchase through Amazon and my online store, depending on how things work out. Ideally, I'd like to have it offered on both. The sequel is already in the works as well and I have between three and ten books planned out for the complete Tales of the Wizard series.

Thank you for your continued support.
- John D.
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